fredag 30 mars 2012


Mitt bidrag till TOMIC #43 Easter and Photo Inspiration blev en dekorerad presentpåse till påsk. Dock är den nog för stor för att bara innehålla godis, så det får nog bli en annan slags påskpresent i den ;-)

My contribution to Tomic # 43 Easter and Photo Inspiration became a decorated gift bag for Easter. However, it is probably too large to contain only candy, so it'll probably be a different kind of Easter gift in it ;-)

Med detta kort deltar jag i TOMIC #43

2 kommentarer:

Stampin'Piper sa...

Beautiful card! Such a lovely idea to combine Tilda with these chicks and the basket!

Thanks so much for joining us at TOMIC, hope to see you again!

Hugs Tanja

mylkrafts sa...

Beautiful Bag!!! Thank you for joining TOMIC Challenge this week. Good Luck.